Tagged: FITS

FITS Socks – PART 2

I am currently neck deep in a large amount of work, but I had to take the time to write a Part 2 post about the absolutely incredible FITS socks… which by the way, show no sign of losing their comfort after another couple months of Afghan heat.

My name is Clifford, I am a sock addict, and here is my story.

My friends and I started a blog, and I thought it would be fun to hype something that I am obsessed with… comfortable socks. I had no idea that my gratuitous sales pitch for FITS Socks would lead to…

Apparently being deployed, and expressing your undying love for a product can lead to receiving some of them free of charge. It really helps if the product in question is made in America by patriots. I had been tipped off by the FITS sales rep that I had some socks coming my way, but I had NO CLUE how many… I pretty much reacted like this.

Now everyday is Christmas for my feet., and the rest of my sock collection was packaged up…

And unceremoniously burned… Alright, I made that part up, I actually got them cleaned and then gave them to some local Afghans who I knew would appreciate them. Their feet have never been exposed to the FITS level of comfort and thus they can actually still enjoy other brands of socks. Now it’s just me and you FITS. Spending some quality time together as we watch an Afghan sunset.

I gave out a good quantity of these socks to fellow Paratroopers, and received some of the following reviews.

  • It’s like they’re making love to my feet.
  • Where did you find these things? Are they even real?
  • Stuff like this is why we will eventually beat China, because they can’t reproduce quality like this, nobody can.
  • Why would I ever wear anything besides these? Do you think I can wear them all the time? Would they hold up in the shower?
  • I could see Jesus wearing these – Eddy
  • These are too good to ‘bate into.
  • Dr. Scholl’s ain’t got shit.
  • It’s like my foot is in a constant state of ecstasy, it’s a footstasy if you will

So once again, thank you FITS, for not only supporting the troops, but, more importantly, my feet.

FITS Socks- Indubitably the Greatest Sock Known to Man*

I have to let you in on a no- so-secret secret:  I f’ing love socks.  If I were loaded I would probably buy a new pair of socks everyday for the rest of my life.  In this alternate universe my over-worked assistant would call every store in town trying to find me my beloved Moxon Huddersfields in red,white, and blue for 4th of July (the socks have to match the tie).  When he failed I would fire him on the spot and replace him with Apple’s newest iRobot personal assistant (which wouldn’t even have been released yet, that’s how rich and connected I am), and then I’d buy Moxon Hudderfield’s to ensure I never went without a duet of paw protectors that I desired.

Since this world is not quite a reality yet, I find myself still looking for the best sock that does not cost $400 a pair.  Now before I get into the real meat and potatoes of this post I have to clarify that I will be talking solely of a very certain type of sock.  Being a military man myself I wear boots at work, and I will be talking about the type of sock that gets a lot of wear and tear and that you put serious mileage on.  This sock needs to be warm in the winter, but not be too hot in the summer.  It needs to dry quickly and be extremely durable.  After over four years of wearing boots almost everyday, I’ve found the perfect sock.

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